The thesis of John Charles Holoduek, Jr. deals with the relationship between the philosophy of Neoplatonism and the Christian philosophy of St. Augustine of Hippo. This work has two themes: first, it examines how Augustine adapts Neoplatonism in order to develop his own Christian philosophical worldview; secondly, it investigates the status of his conversion to Christianity. Specifically, it determines whether his conversion to Christianity was complete or, as some scholars have maintained, was only superficial, concealing his true Neoplatonic identity. The effort to converge classical philosophy with Christian thought was a standard practice with the Fathers of the Church. Some used Platonism, the works of Aristotle, or Neoplatonism. Others used a mixture of these classical philosophies. St. Augustine of Hippo, it is argued, not only used Neoplatonism to understand Christian doctrines, but it was his study of Neoplatonism that facilitated his actual conversion to Christianity.
One of the struggles within conservation biology is to justify the field and its objective to preserve biodiversity. The two main camps arguing in support of conservation biology are intrinsic value theorists and utilitarians. The theoretical problems accompanying these schools of thought and the absence of a solid ethical foundation have called for a new environmental ethic. In this thesis, I propose environmental virtue-based ethics as a constructive alternative to the false dichotomy presented by traditional perspectives in conservation biology. I will demonstrate that because of its ability to account for human interests alongside the wider consideration for biodiversity, while simultaneously avoiding the problems characteristic of the dominating intrinsic and instrumental value theories, Environmental Virtue-based Ethics (EVE) is uniquely poised to justify the goals of conservation biology.