Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Olympians series focuses on the adventures of its titular character, Percy Jackson, as he tries to navigate the world of ancient Greek gods he has been thrust into and the impending war that looms over the horizon for the entire series. It has become a best-selling series that has launched multiple spin-off series, movies, and a TV show. While this series is aimed at children and young adults, it still tackles serious issues that existed
within the ancient Greek world as well as the modern-day America it takes place in, making it relatable to all ages. Although this series follows some of the traditional tropes and conventions of literature, Riordan manages to subvert these traditional conventions. This thesis will begin with a look into the origins of the Percy Jackson series, developing the background for those unfamiliar with both the series and the author. The next chapter will focus on how Rick Riordan
subverts the tropes and conventions surrounding the role of women within both Greek mythology and classical literature, making his audience rethink the merit behind them. Following this, the thesis will look at how Riordan alters the image of Greek mythological gods, subverting the traditional views surrounding them. Finally, the last chapter will focus on how Riordan uses the character of Luke Castellan to serve as a foil for Percy Jackson, subverting the usual protagonist/hero and antagonist/villain archetypes.