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Impact of Critical Race Theory on the Development of Impostor Syndrome and Anxiety Among Black Female Doctoral Students with the Superwoman Schema Lens
1 of 100
Timing Is Everything? The Relationship Between School Schedule and Student Achievement in Central New Jersey Public High Schools
2 of 100
The Impact of School Lunches on the Nutritional Intakes of Preschool Students
3 of 100
The Graduate School Struggle: Exploring Master’s Students Satisfaction with Student Services
4 of 100
An Analysis of Teacher Perceptions about Giftedness in Non-English-Speaking Students in Kindergarten Through Grade 3
5 of 100
Examining the Social Constructs Explained by Critical Race Theory That Affect African American Males Enrolled in New Jersey Four-Year Institutions of Higher Education
6 of 100
Teacher Perceptions of Kindergarten Readiness
7 of 100
Inclusion Model versus Pull-Out Model of LD Students: Math Achievement Scores of an Urban High School in New Jersey
8 of 100
The Perceptions and lived Experiences of African American Male Senior Administrators in Division I Predominately While Institutions and Factors Influencing their Career Path
9 of 100
The Disproportionality Dilemma: The Relationship Between Elementary School Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Minority Students and Referral to Special Education
10 of 100
The Perception of Coaches of the Impact of the COVID-19-Related Shutdown of Sports in the Spring 2020 on the Academic Performance and Mental Health of High School Student-Athletes in Bergen County, New Jersey
11 of 100
Middle-School Teacher Perceptions of English Language Learners Transitioning from Bilingual and English as a Second Language Programs to Mainstream Classrooms
12 of 100
School Counselor and Student Relationships Matter for Black and Hispanic Low-Income Students’ Access to Postsecondary Education
13 of 100
A Quantitative Study of the Relationship Between Algebra I Performance and SAT Scores for Black Male Students in an Urban School District
14 of 100
First-Generation Students and Student Support Programs
15 of 100
The Effect of Childhood Experiences on Parents’ Level of Involvement in Their Children’s Education
16 of 100
Evaluating the Effect of COVID-19 on Mid-Level College Administrators’ Roles at Four-Year Private Institutions in New Jersey
17 of 100
Teachers' Perceptions of Social and Emotional Learning as it Relates to Classroom Climate and Self Efficacy
18 of 100
Teacher Perceptions of the Influence of Social and Emotional Learning Practices for Adolescents Struggling with Childhood Trauma in Public Urban Schools
19 of 100
Social Identity, Mentorship, and Teacher Retention: What Helps African American Teachers Enter and Remain in the Classroom
20 of 100
Motivational Factors for Low-income Students in Higher Education
21 of 100
A Comparison Of School Type, Student Performance, And Funding: An Analysis Of Urban Middle Schools In New Jersey
22 of 100
Black Male Initiative Programs: Do Black Females Have A Place? An Exploration Of The Lived Experiences Of Black Females In Bmi Programs
23 of 100
A Quantitative Study of Teachers Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education at an Urban Middle School in Northern New Jersey
24 of 100
The Correlation Between Social Media and Mental Health: A Focus on College Women
25 of 100
The Effect of Therapeutic Touch on the Adult Gamma Knife Patients' Anxiety Levels During MRI Diagnostic Procedure: An Evidence-Based Pilot Study Project
26 of 100
College Access, Racial Identity and Resilience: Narratives of Inner-City Black Male College Students on High School Experiences
27 of 100
Transnationalism, Assimilatoin, And Education: Molfettesi Stories From Hoboken: 1945-1975
28 of 100
The Prevalence of Nursing Incivility in Registered Nurses Throughout Their Career
29 of 100
A Qualitative Case Study Examining Staff Perceptions of Restorative Practices Implementation in a Suburban School District
30 of 100
The Impact on Academic Achievement and Student Life in Relation to School Climate and School Culture, and the Implementation by Educational Leaders in Middle Schools Across Central New Jersey
31 of 100
Activating Advocacy: Understanding the Role of Identity-Based Activism for Black and African American Student
32 of 100
Principal leadership style in elementary mathematics grades 3 to 5.
33 of 100
How do Higher Education Administrators and Leaders Perceive Academic Persistence and Achievement of Afro Caribbean Immigrant Students?
34 of 100
Bridging the Gap for African American Males to Succeed: Examining the Experiences of African American Males in the Brothers Achieving Excellence Program at a Community College in New Jersey
35 of 100
Navigating the Glass Cliff Phenomenon as Black Women in Senior Administration in Higher Education
36 of 100
Which Program Model for Multilingual Learners Generates the Most English Proficiency?
37 of 100
Grading Systems in Elementary Grades 3-5: Administrator and Teacher Perceptions
38 of 100
A Sense of Belonging for Student Veterans
39 of 100
Factors that Affect the Decision of African American Male Teachers to Stay in K-12 Urban Public Education
40 of 100
Pouring from an Empty Cup: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Social-Emotional Well-Being of School Principals
41 of 100
Examining Intersections of Gender, Race, Racism and College Choice for High-Achieving African American Female Students Aspiring Careers in STEM
42 of 100
Providing Equity: The Importance of Separate Educational Spaces and Foundational Black American Male Teachers for Foundational Black American Males; Grades 6–12
43 of 100
Understanding the Factors Affecting College Readiness for First-Year, First-Semester Students
44 of 100
The Impact of Relative Age on Special Education Referral and Eligibility from Kindergarten Through Third Grade
45 of 100
Mentoring Groups, Spiritual Life, and Resilience: A Qualitative Approach
46 of 100
Staff Perceptions of the Influence of Transparent Communication on Organizational Culture at a Faith-based College
47 of 100
The Impact of COVID-19 In-Person School Closures on Student Learning in a Large Urban School District
48 of 100
Mindfulness in Higher Education: An Explorative Study on the Reception of Contemplative Education Workshops in a College Setting as a Means for Relaxation and Stress Relief
49 of 100
Factors that Motivate Latino/a College Students to Persist to Graduation
50 of 100
The Impact of a Test-Optional College Admission Policy on the Persistence and Academic Achievement of Historically Marginalized Students
51 of 100
Hip-Hop and BIPOC Males’ Perceptions about Resilience and Cultural Capital
52 of 100
The Disparities in Black College Students’ Access to Financial Resources Based on Their Socioeconomic Status and Background
53 of 100
A Qualitative Examination on the Perspective of Elementary School Support Staff Centering on the Potential Impact the Practice of Mindfulness Could Have on the Reported Cases of Bullying
54 of 100
A Qualitative Study of African American Males in Administrative Roles in Higher Education
55 of 100
The Impact of Teacher Grit and Growth Mindset on Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Phenomenological Approach
56 of 100
A Comparative Analysis of Learning Environments in First-Year Physics Courses at an Urban Research University
57 of 100
Ambidextrous Educational Leadership: A New Paradigm in Urban K-12 Administration and Supervision
58 of 100
How Do School-Based Leaders’ Perceptions of Their Own Leadership Styles Impact Their Approach to Managing and Improving Student Discipline Outcomes?
59 of 100
Critical Race Theory in Urban Classrooms: A Qualitative Exploration into Pedagogical Strategies
60 of 100
Middle School Teacher Perceptions of the Disproportionality of Hispanic English Language Learners in Special Education: A Qualitative Study
61 of 100
How Title IX Coordinators from Various Universities Handle Sexual Assault Cases and Sexual Assault Prevention
62 of 100
The Bilingual Mind and Emotional Brain: Evidence from the Emotional Stroop Task
63 of 100
The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Achievement: A Quantitative Study
64 of 100
An Examination of the Impact of Jesuit Tenets on Attitudes Toward Workforce Reduction
65 of 100
Assessing Career Readiness Among Recently Licensed Practical Nurse Graduates
66 of 100
Sustaining the Process of Turning Around the Lowest-Performing Schools and School Districts: A Study of New York State Schools and Districts
67 of 100
The Impact of Adaptive Leadership on Black and Latino Student Achievement in an Urban School in Northern New Jersey
68 of 100
The Influence of Educational Vendor Programs on Welfare Recipients and its Impact on Long-Term Employment
69 of 100
An Investigation of Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding Pedagogy and Instruction Related to Arts Integration: Artist-in-Residence Programs
70 of 100
A Qualitative Study on the Impact of Teacher Perceptions Specific to the Efficacy of Inclusion
71 of 100
The Effects of a Preschool Program on Kindergarten Achievements
72 of 100
An Examination of Middle-Level Educators’ Perceptions Regarding the Implementation and Maintenance of Blended Learning
73 of 100
The Relationship Between Student Grades and Student Evaluations of Professors and its Impact on Faculty Practices
74 of 100
Examination of School Counselors’ Perceptions Regarding LGBTQ Safety Policies in Northern New Jersey High School Settings: A Qualitative Study
75 of 100
Exploring Digital Spaces and the Virtual Environment: Analyzing Higher Education Professionals' Experiences with Modern Video Conferencing at a Community College
76 of 100
Leading K-12 Learning: The Role of Mentorship Experiences in Instructional Supervisory Professional Development
77 of 100
Instructor Perspectives on Soft Skills in Higher Education
78 of 100
Persistence in a Pandemic: Maintaining a Growth Mindset in an Online Ed.D. Program
79 of 100
A Quantitative Analysis of How a Teacher's Perceptions and Lack of Professional Development Affects the Disproportionality of Black Males in Special Education
80 of 100

Birds of a Feather? Comparing Teacher Beliefs About Student Knowledge Construction Within a Suburban High School Science Department in Hunterdon County, New Jersey
81 of 100
How High School Students in Northern New Jersey Perceive School Safety in a Post-Columbine World
82 of 100
General Education and Special Education Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Co-teaching in an Inclusive High School Setting
83 of 100
General Education Teachers’ Perceptions on the Effectiveness of Response to Intervention in Elementary Education
84 of 100
Financial Aid and the College Persistence of the African American Male Student
85 of 100
The Effect of Corequisite Mathematics Remediation on Student Retention at a Community College
86 of 100
A Quantitative Analysis of How a Teacher's Perceptions and Lack of Professional Development Affects the Disproportionality of Black Males in Special Education
87 of 100
The Implementation of the PHQ-9 to Assess and Diagnose Depression in New Patients in an Outpatient Psychiatric Practice
88 of 100
A Comparison of the Relationship between Teachers’ Beliefs about Social Emotional Learning, Perceived Collective Efficacy, and Job Satisfaction in K-8 Schools in New Jersey in Districts With and Without a Systemic Whole School Approach to Social Emotional Learning
89 of 100
"Living in Violence Has Become a Norm" A Qualitative Exploration of the Experiences Faced by College Students Raised in Urban Communities
90 of 100
Teacher Leader Endorsement Candidates' Views on Their Experiences with Leadership and Their Self-Reported Styles
91 of 100
A Quantitative Analysis of the Capacity of Campus Police to Investigate Cybercrime
92 of 100
Examining the Life Experiences of First-Generation Students in Urban 4-Year Institutions Through a Strengths-Based Lens
93 of 100
Drop-Out Prevention and Strategies to help Special Education Students
94 of 100
The Impact of Endorsement Contracts on the Recruiting of College Athletes at National Collegiate Athletic Association Division One Institutions: A Qualitative Study
95 of 100
Perceptions of Northern New Jersey Urban Kindergarten through Fifth Grade Teachers on Integrating Science and Social Studies Content Knowledge into Reading Instruction and its Effects on Student Reading Achievement
96 of 100
The Impact of Retention Efforts of a Community College Library Determined by Library Directors
97 of 100
Successful Autistic Female College Students: A Qualitative Study
98 of 100
Implementation of a Surgical Site Infection Prevention Bundle in Elective Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasties: An Evidence-Based Practice Project
99 of 100
Teacher Well-being: The Impact of Teacher Emotional Intelligence and Self-efficacy Beliefs on Perceptions of Student-Teacher Relationship Quality in a Small New Jersey K–12 District
100 of 100