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- Keyword:
- funding, data, charter schools, traditional public schools,, student performance, New Jersey, urban schools, test scores, and Department of Education
- Subject:
- Education
- Creator:
- Austin, Ernesto A.
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 11/13/2024
- Date Created:
- 2019
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
- Keyword:
- Teachers’ Preparedness, Special Education Students, Pedagogy , Special Education, professional development, K-5 charter school, qualitative study, New Jersey, and urban school district
- Subject:
- Education and Special Education
- Creator:
- Thomas, Natasha Denise
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter’s University
- Date Uploaded:
- 11/13/2024
- Date Modified:
- 11/19/2024
- Date Created:
- 2019
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
- Keyword:
- Principal Leadership Style, Elementary Mathematics, Grades 3 to 5, math students , improve student achievement, New Jersey, and Department of Education
- Subject:
- Education and Educational Leadership
- Creator:
- Wilkins-Blay, Iris L.
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 07/11/2024
- Date Modified:
- 10/11/2024
- Date Created:
- 2023
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
- Keyword:
- Brothers Achieving Excellence program, African American Male, Academic Achievement, Academic Success, Persistence, Retention and Social Support, Community College , and New Jersey
- Subject:
- Education
- Creator:
- Jenkins, Alexis
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 07/11/2024
- Date Modified:
- 10/11/2024
- Date Created:
- February 2023
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
- Keyword:
- Military Services, Student Veterans, Higher Education, Transition, Academic Success, qualitative research, and New Jersey
- Subject:
- Education and Educational Leadership
- Creator:
- Mallett, Brandy N.
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 07/11/2024
- Date Modified:
- 10/11/2024
- Date Created:
- June 2023
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
- Keyword:
- middle school, reading deficits, language comprehension, intervention, comprehension, Identifying and Responding , Complex Needs, Urban Public School District, New Jersey, and Qualitative Study
- Subject:
- Education and Educational Leadership
- Creator:
- Pedrazzi, Janet
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter’s University
- Date Uploaded:
- 09/21/2023
- Date Modified:
- 10/15/2024
- Date Created:
- 2023
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Description:
- Sexual assaults have continued to remain an issue at colleges across the country. Students have admitted to being sexually assaulted while attending college. These students have reported their sexual assaults to college staff, Title IX coordinators, and members of their college community. The US federal government legislation Title IX ensures that colleges have sexual assault prevention programs available to their students. The Title IX legislation ensures that students feel safe on campus, and it prevents sexual assault cases. Title IX investigates colleges and universities throughout the United States to see if they follow the Title IX guidelines. The government provides funding to colleges that follow Title IX legislation. If the college does not follow Title IX, the government will withhold government funding. For colleges to obtain Title IX financing, the college needs to have a Title IX coordinator, report sexual assaults, and have in place a sexual discrimination policy (Office of Civil Rights). Title IX legislation ensures that students do not get discriminated against based on their sex when looking for employment and in college programs. The purpose of this study is to review how Title IX coordinators in three different universities in New Jersey handle sexual assault cases and implement sexual assault prevention. The three colleges that were studied are a medium commuter university, a large private university, and a large public university. The researcher conducted a qualitative study by conducting interviews with Title IX coordinators. The study investigated how the Title IX coordinator implemented Title IX policies and created sexual assault prevention programs. It looked into the effectiveness of different colleges or universities sexual assault prevention program. This can help analyze how different colleges or universities have various similarities when implementing sexual assault prevention on their campus.
- Keyword:
- Title IX Coordinators, Sexual Assault Cases, Sexual Assault Prevention, University, College, New Jersey, and Title IX Funding
- Creator:
- Fermin, Emily
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 09/21/2023
- Date Modified:
- 02/23/2024
- Date Created:
- 2022
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Keyword:
- Educational Vendor Programs , Welfare Recipients, Long-Term Employment, Novel Coronavirus , mask mandates, businesses, economic recession, State quarantine, New Jersey, classroom methodologies , self-sufficiency, and family
- Subject:
- Education and Educational Leadership
- Creator:
- Simmons II, Allen H.
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 09/21/2023
- Date Modified:
- 04/04/2024
- Date Created:
- 2022
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Description:
- Teachers’ individual beliefs regarding the value of the academic material they teach, the nature of the subject, how they should teach it, as well as their assumptions regarding students, classrooms, instructional materials, the nature of learning, and how students construct knowledge can all have considerable influence over their teaching practices and effectiveness in the classroom. To become proficient in effective scientific inquiry, students must be paired with teachers who believe in the benefits of scientific inquiry and the inquiry teaching method and who are confident in their ability to teach using inquiry-based instructional methodologies. In this quantitative study, the beliefs held by a group of 11 experienced high school science teachers, charged with delivering an inquiry-oriented science curriculum, were examined to determine whether they preferred inquiry-oriented classroom activities over more traditional teacher directed non-inquiry activities. To measure each participant’s beliefs quantitatively regarding the efficacy of specific inquiry-oriented, neutral, and non-inquiry student activities, this study made use of the ɣ-version of the Inquiry Teaching Belief (ITB) instrument developed and validated by researchers William Harwood, John Hansen, and Christine Lotter (2006). Statistical analysis was used to compare the mean distance measures taken from each participant’s ITB model to identify their preference for activity types. The findings of this study indicated that although the participants did not share specific preferences for individual classroom practices, they did, as a group, share a measurable and statistically significant preference for inquiry-oriented activities over non-inquiry activities. This finding is significant in that it demonstrates there is alignment between teacher beliefs held by this group of teachers and the design of the curriculum at the high school where they work.
- Keyword:
- Comparing, Teacher Beliefs, Student Knowledge Construction, Suburban High School , Science Department, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, quantitative study, and Inquiry Teaching Belief (ITB)
- Subject:
- Education
- Creator:
- Hall, Matthew
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 11/01/2022
- Date Modified:
- 02/23/2024
- Date Created:
- 2022
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
- Description:
- Schools and Districts continue to look for ways to grow their teaching staff’s professionalism, skills, efficacy, and their positive impact on their students and the community. The State of New Jersey Department of Education has even created a teacher evaluation system where teachers must earn effective or highly effective evaluative status in order to stay off the “In need of improvement” lists and face measures to increase their ratings or face the loss of tenure and his or her employment. In New Jersey, teachers have a framework to earn points for their effectiveness rating. The framework is well defined and addresses all areas that impact teachers, the students, the school, and the community. It has been recognized that there are teachers who rise above and excel in certain areas. Not only do they excel, but they demonstrate great leadership and help guide other teachers in improving their practices. In 2018, the State of New Jersey developed a teacher leader endorsement program that would harness, grow, and recognize the leadership the effective and highly effective teachers in New Jersey can bring to their schools. The State created the endorsement program. However, they left it to the school districts to decide if a monetary or higher status position was obtainable from earning the endorsement. The endorsement does not necessarily earn teacher graduate credits, a master’s degree, or a license to do another job within education in New Jersey. The program is still in its infancy as of the year 2020 - 2021. Currently, those interviewed were in the first group of teachers to complete the one-year endorsement program. This research gathers data from teachers currently enrolled in the Teacher Leader Endorsement Program to learn more about their experiences, where they were novice teachers, and now, as experienced teachers, and what led them to enroll in the program. This research takes a dive into the relationship between the teacher and his or her principal, district grooming, school culture, and if monetary compensation must be a factor in having a robust enrollment in this endorsement program.
- Keyword:
- Teacher Leader Endorsement Candidates , Experiences , Leadership, Self-Reported Styles, Schools, Districts, New Jersey, and Department of Education
- Subject:
- Education
- Creator:
- Higgins, Kristen
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 10/28/2022
- Date Modified:
- 02/23/2024
- Date Created:
- 2022
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
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