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A Quantitative Study of Teachers Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education at an Urban Middle School in Northern New Jersey
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Factors that Affect the Decision of African American Male Teachers to Stay in K-12 Urban Public Education
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The Impact of Relative Age on Special Education Referral and Eligibility from Kindergarten Through Third Grade
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How High School Students in Northern New Jersey Perceive School Safety in a Post-Columbine World
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"Living in Violence Has Become a Norm" A Qualitative Exploration of the Experiences Faced by College Students Raised in Urban Communities
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Perceptions of Northern New Jersey Urban Kindergarten through Fifth Grade Teachers on Integrating Science and Social Studies Content Knowledge into Reading Instruction and its Effects on Student Reading Achievement
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The Influence of Professional Learning Communities on Administrator and Teacher Efficacy in One Urban Elementary School in Northern New Jersey
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A comparative analysis of athletes and non-athletes academic achievement in a Northern New Jersey High School
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