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- Keyword:
- High School Students , Northern New Jersey, School Safety, school security, Post-Columbine World, student gender, school climate, student mental health, and school shootings
- Subject:
- Education
- Creator:
- DeStefano, Nicholas J.
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 11/01/2022
- Date Modified:
- 10/29/2024
- Date Created:
- 2022
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
- Description:
- The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine if there is a relationship between transformational leadership style, school climate, student conduct, and student attendance in urban elementary schools. Survey data were collected from a purposeful sample of elementary school principals and a convenience sample of their staff members in an urban school district in Northern New Jersey. In 2015–2018, 20 urban schools in northern New Jersey considered “failing schools” were awarded a School Improvement Grant (SIG), supported by the Federal Department of Education (Federal DOE) through the New Jersey Department of Education. With this funding, the urban school district undertook the challenge of the turnaround school model between 2015–2018, which resulted in positive change in student conduct, student attendance, and the school’s climate because of incorporating a transformational leader. This dissertation examines if there are any positive outcomes in student conduct, attendance, and the climate of an urban school when including a transformational leader. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5X) was used to measure the degree to which a principal displays the factors of a transformational leader based on teacher perceptions, and the principals used it to self-assess. The New Jersey Culture and Climate (NJCCS) survey was used to measure teacher perceptions of school climate, and interviews were conducted to gain insight into staff perceptions of the qualities of a transformational leader. This study also investigated if a relationship exists between transformational leadership and a school climate. The study surveyed 20 urban schools located in a large urban district in New Jersey. Principals’ leadership styles were determined from the MLQ-5X, and school climate was determined from the school district’s (NJCCS) reported number of Office Conduct Reports (OCR) and student attendance data incidents recorded in the district’s data system.
- Keyword:
- Elementary schools , Socioeconomic factors , Higher education administration, Educational administration, Teaching Urban schools , Collaboration, School principals , School environment , Learning, Educational leadership, Office Conduct Reports, attendance rate, school climate, transformational leadership, and elementary school
- Subject:
- Education and Higher Education
- Creator:
- Kennedy, Jasmine C.
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 12/22/2021
- Date Modified:
- 03/27/2024
- Date Created:
- 2021
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
- Description:
- The demands of high-stakes testing, tenure reform, and teacher accountability have dominated the landscape of education for almost two decades. The expectations placed on public schools require leadership that supports and motivates teachers to perform at extremely high levels. Public schools therefore must fill their institutions with principals who possess a leadership style that can inspire and empower teachers to tackle these demands and set a clear vision for the future of their schools. Transformational leadership is a model of leadership that has been shown to elevate and motivate followers to perform beyond organizational expectations. The purpose of this study is to examine the common transformational leadership behaviors and methods of application utilized by public school principals. This study uses quantitative and qualitative methods of research separated into two stages. In the first stage, the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire-Self (MLQ) was used to survey 66 public school principals in Monmouth County, New Jersey. The results of the survey were analyzed and used to develop a cohort of 10 principals to participate in the qualitative stage of the study. In this second stage, the cohort of 10 principals participated in face-to-face semi-structured interviews in order for the researcher to further examine their behaviors and methods of application. The data from the MLQ and the interviews revealed that transformational leadership exists in public schools in Monmouth County, New Jersey. The results from this study identified specific behaviors and methods of application that align with the four domains of transformational leadership. This study contributes to the existing research on transformational leadership and also provides current public school principals with information regarding behaviors that can be implemented to enhance their practices. Further research that builds upon the application of transformational leadership and its effect on variables such as school climate, teacher turnover, and student achievement would reveal the influence that transformational leadership has on other aspects of school leadership.
- Keyword:
- Public School , Transformational leadership Practices, high-stakes testing, tenure reform, leadership style, Transformational leadership , quantitative methods, qualitative methods , Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire-Self (MLQ) , Monmouth County, New Jersey, school climate, teacher turnover, student achievement, and school leadership
- Subject:
- Education
- Creator:
- Aldarelli, Edward
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 10/25/2018
- Date Modified:
- 02/29/2024
- Date Created:
- Jul-2017
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation