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Educating Homeless Youth -- A Forgotten Domestic Battle
1 of 100
Math Anxiety: Its Causes, Effects, and Support Through Effective Instruction, a Call for Research and Action
2 of 100
Examining the Impact of School Climate on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Teachers in K-12 Public Schools in the State of New Jersey
3 of 100
The Role of the Relationship Between the School Board and the Superintendent in New Jersey School Districts
4 of 100
The Impact of a Year-Round School Calendar on College and Career Readiness as Measured by the SAT Scores of Urban High School Seniors
5 of 100
Ageism amongst Higher Education Professional Staff: Understanding Attitudinal and Professional Consequences
6 of 100
An Examination of Suburban Elementary School Teachers Perceptions of Technology Skills Development and Program Needs Necessary for Mandated Online Testing
7 of 100
An Examination of New Jersey’s Principals’ and Assistant Principals’ Perception on Delivering Effective Feedback in the Evaluative Post Conference with Regard to Time, Protocols, & Training
8 of 100
An examination of teachers' perceptions of teacher evaluation in New Jersey school systems
9 of 100
10 of 100
Closing the Achievement Gap on High-Stakes Criterion-Based Assessments: Examining the Impact of Professional Learning Communities at the Elementary Level in an Urban New Jersey School District
11 of 100
Fraternity at the Crossroads
12 of 100
Understanding Anxiety Disorders in Preschoolers
13 of 100
An Analysis of Study Abroad as a Factor to Increase Student Engagement and Reduce Dropouts in Higher Education
14 of 100
15 of 100
A descriptive analysis of the relationship between private high school teachers' characteristics, their knowledge of the 2011 New Jersey Anti-Bullying Law, and the impact on their reporting of bullying incidents
16 of 100
Cultural and Socioeconomic Factors Affecting the Successful College Completion of Dominican and Haitian ESL Students in the United States
17 of 100
Working-Class Parental Involvement in the Education of Latino Students
18 of 100
Character Education A Possible Preventative for Negative Vices Occurring in Public Schools
19 of 100
A comparative analysis of athletes and non-athletes academic achievement in a Northern New Jersey High School
20 of 100
Successful Minority Females Who Were Underprivileged First-Generation College Students at Predominantly White Institutions
21 of 100
A Case Study of the Implementation of iPad Technology in Secondary Education
22 of 100
An Investigation of Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding Pedagogy and Instruction Related to Arts Integration: Artist-in-Residence Programs
23 of 100
Exploring Digital Spaces and the Virtual Environment: Analyzing Higher Education Professionals' Experiences with Modern Video Conferencing at a Community College
24 of 100
Perceptions of Northern New Jersey Urban Kindergarten through Fifth Grade Teachers on Integrating Science and Social Studies Content Knowledge into Reading Instruction and its Effects on Student Reading Achievement
25 of 100
An Investigation of the Impact of the New Jersey Interdistrict Public School Choice Program as Perceived by Participating School Superintendents
26 of 100
Standardized Assessment Scores: What Do They Really Mean? A Comparative Analysis of New Jersey School Performance by District Factor Group
27 of 100
A Case Study of the Effectiveness of the Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID) Program to Enhance College Readiness of High School Students in the Academic Middle
28 of 100
Considering the Whole Child in Mathematics: Blending Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Indicators to Guide Placement in Middle School Mathematics
29 of 100
An Analysis of Ableism Through the Perception of University Student Tour Guides Towards Individuals with Mobility Challenges on a University Campus Tour
30 of 100
Peer Mentoring Programs: Do the Mentors Benefit Too? An Exploration of Peer Mentoring and Future Job Search from the Peer Mentors Perspective
31 of 100
A Historical Overview of Corporate Influence on Education Policy in the United States from 1983 to 2010
32 of 100
The Relationship between Psychosocial Resilience and Grade Point Average for First-Generation College Freshmen
33 of 100
What's the Difference?: The Examination in Educational Outcomes of English Language Learners in a Public-School District in New Jersey
34 of 100
An Analysis of Ethnic-Racial Diversity: Identifying the Enrollment, Demographics, and Challenges for STEM Programs in Higher Educational Institutions
35 of 100
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37 of 100
Sustaining the Process of Turning Around the Lowest-Performing Schools and School Districts: A Study of New York State Schools and Districts
38 of 100
Guidance Counselor Perceptions on the Influence of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health in Affluent Middle Schools in New Jersey
39 of 100
A Quantitative Analysis of How a Teacher's Perceptions and Lack of Professional Development Affects the Disproportionality of Black Males in Special Education
40 of 100
An Exploration of Academic Advising Practices Within Small Institutions in North Carolina
41 of 100
A Comparison of the Relationship between Teachers’ Beliefs about Social Emotional Learning, Perceived Collective Efficacy, and Job Satisfaction in K-8 Schools in New Jersey in Districts With and Without a Systemic Whole School Approach to Social Emotional Learning
42 of 100
Examination of School Counselors’ Perceptions Regarding LGBTQ Safety Policies in Northern New Jersey High School Settings: A Qualitative Study
43 of 100
Successful Autistic Female College Students: A Qualitative Study
44 of 100
General Education Teachers’ Perceptions on the Effectiveness of Response to Intervention in Elementary Education
45 of 100
Birds of a Feather? Comparing Teacher Beliefs About Student Knowledge Construction Within a Suburban High School Science Department in Hunterdon County, New Jersey
46 of 100
Teacher Leader Endorsement Candidates' Views on Their Experiences with Leadership and Their Self-Reported Styles
47 of 100
A Qualitative Study on the Impact of Teacher Perceptions Specific to the Efficacy of Inclusion
48 of 100
49 of 100
A Narrative Inquiry to Understand the Impact of Voice on a Student Conduct Administrator's Role and Retention in that Role at Community Colleges
50 of 100
"Living in Violence Has Become a Norm" A Qualitative Exploration of the Experiences Faced by College Students Raised in Urban Communities
51 of 100
Persistence in a Pandemic: Maintaining a Growth Mindset in an Online Ed.D. Program
52 of 100
Instructor Perspectives on Soft Skills in Higher Education
53 of 100
Examining the Life Experiences of First-Generation Students in Urban 4-Year Institutions Through a Strengths-Based Lens
54 of 100
Financial Aid and the College Persistence of the African American Male Student
55 of 100
The Effect of a Principal’s Grit on Their School’s Culture: A Quantitative Study
56 of 100
How Do School-Based Leaders’ Perceptions of Their Own Leadership Styles Impact Their Approach to Managing and Improving Student Discipline Outcomes?
57 of 100
The Plight of the Trans Student
58 of 100
Inclusion and specific learning disabilities: General education teacher's attitude
59 of 100
The Impact of Retention Efforts of a Community College Library Determined by Library Directors
60 of 100
The Influence of Explicit Social and Emotional Learning Programming on School Connectedness Using the AVID Approach for Middle School Students Enrolled in an Urban School Setting
61 of 100
The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership, School Climate, Student Conduct, and Student Attendance in Urban Schools in New Jersey
62 of 100
The Impact of Race and Socio-Economic Status on Grade 8 NJASK Scores for Language Arts
63 of 100
On the Establishment of a Pedagogical Protocol for STEM Education
64 of 100
The Impact of Restorative Practices and Zero-Tolerance Policies on Absenteeism, Suspensions, and Academic Performance on African-American Male Students in a Predominantly Black High School
65 of 100
Assessing Career Readiness Among Recently Licensed Practical Nurse Graduates
66 of 100
The Influence of Educational Vendor Programs on Welfare Recipients and its Impact on Long-Term Employment
67 of 100
The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Achievement: A Quantitative Study
68 of 100
The Bilingual Mind and Emotional Brain: Evidence from the Emotional Stroop Task
69 of 100
The Impact of Adaptive Leadership on Black and Latino Student Achievement in an Urban School in Northern New Jersey
70 of 100
The Influence of Professional Learning Communities on Administrator and Teacher Efficacy in One Urban Elementary School in Northern New Jersey
71 of 100
A Mixed Method Investigation of the Relationship between Teacher Leadership and Educational Leadership Preparation and School Context in a Northeast Metropolitan Region
72 of 100
How Climate and Culture of Schools Relate to Teacher Effectiveness
73 of 100
“I Have the Right to Family, I Have the Right to an Education”: Family Narratives on the Impact of Deportation on Latino Children’s Learning Experiences
74 of 100
The Danielson Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument and the Co-Teaching Core Competency Framework: A Crosswalk to Support Co-Teaching Continuous Improvement
75 of 100
A Comparative Study of Nontraditional Students in 8-Week Online Classes and 8-Week Hybrid Classes Offered in the School of Professional and Continuing Studies at a University in the Northeast
76 of 100
Effective Intervention and Referral Service Teams: Implication for Change and their Impact on Reducing Referrals to Special Education
77 of 100
The Impact of a Test-Optional College Admission Policy on the Persistence and Academic Achievement of Historically Marginalized Students
78 of 100
A Qualitative Examination on the Perspective of Elementary School Support Staff Centering on the Potential Impact the Practice of Mindfulness Could Have on the Reported Cases of Bullying
79 of 100
Pouring from an Empty Cup: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Social-Emotional Well-Being of School Principals
80 of 100
Hip-Hop and BIPOC Males’ Perceptions about Resilience and Cultural Capital
81 of 100
Mindfulness in Higher Education: An Explorative Study on the Reception of Contemplative Education Workshops in a College Setting as a Means for Relaxation and Stress Relief
82 of 100
Staff Perceptions of the Influence of Transparent Communication on Organizational Culture at a Faith-based College
83 of 100
Mentoring Groups, Spiritual Life, and Resilience: A Qualitative Approach
84 of 100
The Impact of Relative Age on Special Education Referral and Eligibility from Kindergarten Through Third Grade
85 of 100
Understanding the Factors Affecting College Readiness for First-Year, First-Semester Students
86 of 100
Examining Intersections of Gender, Race, Racism and College Choice for High-Achieving African American Female Students Aspiring Careers in STEM
87 of 100
Providing Equity: The Importance of Separate Educational Spaces and Foundational Black American Male Teachers for Foundational Black American Males; Grades 6–12
88 of 100
Factors that Affect the Decision of African American Male Teachers to Stay in K-12 Urban Public Education
89 of 100
A Sense of Belonging for Student Veterans
90 of 100
Grading Systems in Elementary Grades 3-5: Administrator and Teacher Perceptions
91 of 100
Which Program Model for Multilingual Learners Generates the Most English Proficiency?
92 of 100
Navigating the Glass Cliff Phenomenon as Black Women in Senior Administration in Higher Education
93 of 100
Bridging the Gap for African American Males to Succeed: Examining the Experiences of African American Males in the Brothers Achieving Excellence Program at a Community College in New Jersey
94 of 100
How do Higher Education Administrators and Leaders Perceive Academic Persistence and Achievement of Afro Caribbean Immigrant Students?
95 of 100
Principal leadership style in elementary mathematics grades 3 to 5.
96 of 100
The Effects of a Preschool Program on Kindergarten Achievements
97 of 100
Differences in Teachers’ Valuation of Teaching Non-Cognitive Skills in Upper Elementary through Middle School Grades
98 of 100
Elementary Teachers' Perceptions Focused upon the Quality of Professional Development of the ELA Instructional Shifts as Defined by the Common Core State Standards within the Alignment of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards
99 of 100
Ambidextrous Educational Leadership: A New Paradigm in Urban K-12 Administration and Supervision
100 of 100