Using paraprofessionals to meet the social, self-care, and instructional needs of special education students began in the 1960s. The roles, duties, and expectations for these paraprofessionals evolved over the subsequent fifty years. Special education paraprofessionals play an important role in the education of students with disabilities. Since the inclusion of students with disabilities in nationally mandated assessments, their utilization has increased (Brenton, 2010). The research literature has shown that these paraprofessionals have not received adequate training for, or supervision while, performing their responsibilities and duties. Findings from the literature also highlight that these individuals provide a disproportionate amount of instruction to students with disabilities when compared to certified educators. This study focused on the responsibilities, duties, and professional needs of special education paraprofessionals in kindergarten through sixth grades. Using a concurrent mixed methods design, it utilized a three-part survey and one-time interviews to inform recommendations for expanding data collection and creating a sustainable learning community for the specific sample analyzed during this study. The current study found that many of the responsibilities and duties of this sample of special education paraprofessionals are different from those revealed in previous research. According to their responses, they do not operate independently, and they spend a significant amount of time following the teachers’ lessons plans and working under the teachers’ direct supervision. This sample of professional development needs focused on duties and responsibilities that they would like to learn more about or perform better, including training in behavior management and one-on-one tutoring.
This study focuses on understanding the impact of voice on a student conduct administrator’s role and retention in that role at community colleges. By understanding the development of student services from the Colonial era to present day and providing background information about the different types of approaches utilized to address student conduct violations, this study builds the framework to understand the impact of voice on a student conduct administrator’s role and retention in that role at community colleges. The theoretical frameworks-exit, voice, loyalty, (Hirschman, 1970), use of the ProSocial Voice (Dyne, Ang, & Botero, 2003), and principles of effective retention (Tinto, 1987) provide the foundation for the use of a qualitative narrative approach to answer the research questions (1) what impact does the ability to use voice as a student conduct administrator have on the professional’s remaining in the position? (1a) what, if any, impact does the ability to facilitate change in the institution’s student conduct process influence the professional’s remaining in the position? (1b) what, if any, impact does a student conduct administrator’s ability to advocate for the use of an approach of their choosing to address conduct violations influence his or her remaining in the position? 12 60-90 minute interviews were conducted with current student conduct administrators that work at the community college institution. Chapter 1 informs the reader about the problem, chapter two provides a detailed literature review, chapter 3 outlines the methodology and sample while chapter four provides themes of the study and data analysis. The final chapter, chapter five, discusses the findings, and recommendations for policy, practice and future studies.
The demands of high-stakes testing, tenure reform, and teacher accountability have dominated the landscape of education for almost two decades. The expectations placed on public schools require leadership that supports and motivates teachers to perform at extremely high levels. Public schools therefore must fill their institutions with principals who possess a leadership style that can inspire and empower teachers to tackle these demands and set a clear vision for the future of their schools. Transformational leadership is a model of leadership that has been shown to elevate and motivate followers to perform beyond organizational expectations. The purpose of this study is to examine the common transformational leadership behaviors and methods of application utilized by public school principals. This study uses quantitative and qualitative methods of research separated into two stages. In the first stage, the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire-Self (MLQ) was used to survey 66 public school principals in Monmouth County, New Jersey. The results of the survey were analyzed and used to develop a cohort of 10 principals to participate in the qualitative stage of the study. In this second stage, the cohort of 10 principals participated in face-to-face semi-structured interviews in order for the researcher to further examine their behaviors and methods of application. The data from the MLQ and the interviews revealed that transformational leadership exists in public schools in Monmouth County, New Jersey. The results from this study identified specific behaviors and methods of application that align with the four domains of transformational leadership. This study contributes to the existing research on transformational leadership and also provides current public school principals with information regarding behaviors that can be implemented to enhance their practices. Further research that builds upon the application of transformational leadership and its effect on variables such as school climate, teacher turnover, and student achievement would reveal the influence that transformational leadership has on other aspects of school leadership.
According to the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), 1.6% of Americans identify as gay or lesbian and 0.7% identify as bisexual (Somashekhar, 2014). Applying these statistics to the number of public school teachers in New Jersey indicates that of the more than 114,000 teachers, over 1,800 teachers would identify as gay or lesbian and almost 800 teachers would identify as bisexual (New Jersey Department of Education [NJDOE], 2016). The findings of this study provide insight to the school climate of LGBT teachers and offer guidance to boards of education, administration, and pre-service teacher training programs.
This study used qualitative research methods and was divided into two phases. The first phase of the study consisted of participants completing an online survey. Potential participants were notified of the survey through emails, social media, advertisements, flyers/posters, letters, and in-person requests. The survey was accessible to all current public school teachers in New Jersey. Participants were asked to answer questions pertaining to their school environment based
on homophobic remarks, harassment, school characteristics, and personal characteristics. The results of this survey were used to create a cohort faction of four teachers. Of the four teachers chosen to continue with the study, two scored the lowest on the survey, indicating a high prevalence of homophobic issues in their schools, and two scored the highest on the survey, indicating a low prevalence of homophobic issues in their schools. The second phase of the
study included face-to-face interviews in a semi-structured format. Participants answered open-ended questions. The purpose of the face-to-face interviews was to examine the indicators of school climate as well as the overall school climate for LGBT teachers.
This qualitative study explored the impact of virtual reality technologies on the educational setting of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as perceived by participating directors of special services. The significant increase in the number of students being diagnosed with ASD affects school districts across the country. These districts struggle to meet the high level of needs for support and services required to ensure students an educational experience that maximizes learning. There are no fixed solutions for students with ASD. However, the expanding market of innovative technologies, including virtual reality technologies, may offer alternative supports in the educational experience of the learner, with claims to provide a particularly facilitatory environment for students with ASD. There is, however, a lack of substantive research examining how directors of special services, frequently one of the the lead decision-makers in determining programming and technology acquisitions for classified students, perceive this relatively new and innovative technology as a potentially effective intervention. Data were collected from eight semistructured interviews with participating directors of special services in both public and private K-12 schools in Monmouth County, New Jersey, as identified through the New Jersey Department of Education’s 2016-17 Directory of Directors/Supervisors of Pupil Personnel/Special Services. Data were analyzed to identify common themes among directors pertaining to the potential impact of virtual reality technologies on the educational experience of students with ASD. Attitudes toward teacher professional development to implement these technologies in the classroom setting were also examined. Data revealed important themes regarding the perceived potential of this intervention. These themes included the importance of life skills and social skills as a priori to academic competencies and the value of interactivity and experiential nature of technology. Data also revealed notablethemes regarding the effective facilitation of staff professional development for implementation of these technologies. Among these were fear and resistance to change, the importance of professional development structure, and the value of a culture of technology. This study contributes to the existing literature regarding best practices in technology integration for supporting students with special needs, particularly those with ASD. It attempts to provide district leaders with a better understanding of the ways in which virtual reality technologies can offer alternative educational supports that may have a positive impact on the academic competencies, life skills, and social skills of students with ASD. The study also provides a lens through which district leaders may better perceive barriers to staff professional development, and how a culture of technology may help mitigate these factors
Although proper nutrition has been found to be an essential factor in health maintenance and restoration in the critically ill patient, research has indicated that this population often falls victim to malnutrition while in the intensive care unit (ICU). Malnutrition has been associated with increased morbidity, mortality, and length of stay. Conversely, early initiation of nutritional support has been associated with reduced mortality and morbidity, decreased length of stay, lower rates of infection, and decreased time on mechanical ventilation. Enteral feeding protocols have been found to combat the risk of malnutrition in the critically ill, mechanically ventilated patient, with data suggesting that they may reduce time to feeding initiation, reduce interruptions, and reduce time to reaching goal feeding rates. The goal of this project was to develop an enteral feeding protocol for critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients in a local community hospital based on evidence collected and to measure the impact of this protocol on enteral feeding initiation, advancement to goal rate, and length of stay. While a reduction in time to enteral feeding initiation (p = 0.158) and decreased length of stay (p = 0.861) was found with the introduction of the protocol, the impact was not statistically significant. However, significant reduction in time to enteral feeding goal rate achievement was found (p = 0.004). Based on this data, in addition to research reviewed, it has been concluded that the use of enteral nutritional protocols should be standard in all ICUs in an attempt to improve outcomes and minimize complications among the critically ill, mechanically ventilated patient
Living on the margins of citizenship can be very detrimental to a person’s well being. There are some undocumented young adults that appear to be moving in an upward trajectory in their lives due to access to educational opportunities, activist work and the ability to work legally. Most would think that because of these achievements the well being of these undocumented individuals would improve but we see that because of pre and post migration traumas, some vulnerabilities resurface that affect the well being of these individuals. We interviewed 23 undocumented people where asked about migration experiences, family life, schooling, work, health, an adapted CES-D measure of demoralization, and their social network. From our respondents we were able to see those who seemed to be rebuilding capital through new relationships, opportunities and activism, but despite this they were still in a state of incomplete liminality where their vulnerabilities could resurface. We believe these struggles to be long-term outcome of stressors associated with being undocumented. Access to mental health services for undocumented people can be a complex situation, which further exacerbates their plight. Even though some undocumented young adults appear to be improving in their situation, liminality still persists. This is important to consider at a time when many may falsely feeling that progress has been made.