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Transnationalism, Assimilatoin, And Education: Molfettesi Stories From Hoboken: 1945-1975
1 of 10
The Prevalence of Nursing Incivility in Registered Nurses Throughout Their Career
2 of 10
A Qualitative Case Study Examining Staff Perceptions of Restorative Practices Implementation in a Suburban School District
3 of 10
The Impact on Academic Achievement and Student Life in Relation to School Climate and School Culture, and the Implementation by Educational Leaders in Middle Schools Across Central New Jersey
4 of 10
The Influence of a Principal’s Leadership Style in Cultivating Teacher Leaders in a Positive School Culture
5 of 10
Activating Advocacy: Understanding the Role of Identity-Based Activism for Black and African American Student
6 of 10
The Road to Graduation: Factors that Lead to the Success of EOF Black Women Persisting to Graduation at a Historically White Institution
7 of 10
Bridging the divide: An exploration of perceptions on the cultural disconnect between academic affairs and student affairs in American community colleges and forging effective collaboration.
8 of 10
Teacher motivation: A quantitative study of the intrinsic and extrinsic impacts of advising extracurricular activities within a New Jersey charter school network
9 of 10
Principal leadership style in elementary mathematics grades 3 to 5.
10 of 10