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- Keyword:
- anxiety, gamma knife, magnetic resonance imaging, therapeutic touch, Therapeutic Touch , MRI Diagnostic Procedure, and Pilot Study
- Subject:
- Nursing
- Creator:
- Nadera, Nenita M.
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 11/13/2024
- Date Created:
- May-2021
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
- Keyword:
- Nursing Incivility , Registered Nurses Career, Workplace Incivility Civility Survey (WICS), faculty’s perception, The Social Cognitive Theory, and Self-care
- Subject:
- Nursing
- Creator:
- De Oca, John R.
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 11/13/2024
- Date Modified:
- 11/15/2024
- Date Created:
- Aug-2021
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
- Description:
- This integrative review demonstrates the impact of nightshift work on registered nurse (RN) health and quality of life (QOL) and patient care and outcomes. Bedside nursing entails twenty-four hour patient care and to meet this responsibility, night-shift nurses counter their bodies’ natural circadian rhythm and work overnight until the following morning. Physical impacts from working the night shift include an altered sleep schedule, higher risk for chronic illness and fatigue, poor nutrition and hydration. From a mental standpoint, nurses are more vulnerable to social isolation from the adaptation of a flipped sleep schedule. Other components include decreased job satisfaction and performance. Alongside sleep deprivation, a decrease in job satisfaction and job performance ultimately impact the nurse’s ability to care for patients. A decrease in mental function will impact nurses’ assessments, decisions, etc. Making decisions becomes difficult when you cannot process thoughts and assess situations clearly. It can be argued that while it is important to provide overnight care, the nurses need to look after themselves more than if they worked a day shift schedule, and doing so will benefit their own health. Understanding the relationship between these variables and RN health and QOL as well as patient care and outcomes can stimulate future interventions to lessen the intensity and strain that comes with working the night shift.
- Subject:
- Nursing
- Creator:
- Gonzalez, Denisse
- Contributor:
- Valera A. Hascup, PhD, MSN, RN, CTN, CCES, DLC, Thesis Advisor
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 06/13/2023
- Date Modified:
- 06/13/2023
- Date Created:
- Spring 2023
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Research Paper
Insurance and Other Barriers to Successful Self-Management of Type 2 Diabetes: An Integrative Review
- Description:
- Self-management is the preferred way to treat patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes because it puts the emphasis on the patient to change their diet and lifestyle as well as manage their medications in order to successfully manage their diabetes and prevent related complications. However, there are many barriers that exist which may prevent patients from being able to successfully manage their own condition. The aim of this integrative review was to identify and describe potential barriers to diabetes self-management in patients and to explore compliance and success in management with an emphasis on insurance coverage. The literature search was conducted using EBSCOhost, MEDLINE, and CINAHL databases with a search strategy of using keywords such as diabetes, diabetes self-management, barriers to diabetes management, insurance coverage, and successful outcomes in order to gather relevant peer-reviewed articles and studies. The search was limited to a twelve year age limit for sources in an attempt to keep data relevant. The data collection and analysis was based on the conceptual framework developed by Whittemore and Knafl (2005). A total of thirteen studies were included in the review. Three themes occurred as common barriers: insurance coverage, financial burden, and lack of motivation. In conclusion, education has shown to be the most important and cost effective way to overcome barriers and improve diabetes self-management in patients. Recommendations for future research include conducting more studies on self- management of type 2 diabetes, as well as increasing research on how to minimize barriers so that patients can overcome them.
- Subject:
- Nursing
- Creator:
- Langevin, Brittany
- Contributor:
- Valera A. Hascup, PhD, MSN, RN, CTN, CCES, DLC, Thesis Advisor
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 06/13/2023
- Date Modified:
- 06/13/2023
- Date Created:
- Spring 2023
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Research Paper
- Description:
- The purpose of this evidence-based practice project was to evaluate the effectiveness of using the PHQ-9 tool to assess depression. Currently, no tool is being used to assess and diagnose patients with depression in an outpatient psychiatric practice. Instead, patients are diagnosed with depression based on a diagnostic interview with the healthcare practitioner (HCP). This study's objective was to improve the current clinical depression assessment and diagnosis practice by using the PHQ-9 screening tool to improve accuracy in diagnosing depression. The PHQ-9 is a reliable and valid tool for assessing patients in identifying factors predictive of depression, as well as a reliable measure of depression severity. These characteristics and its brevity make the PHQ-9 a valuable clinical and research tool in psychiatric outpatient practices. The data from this study supported the rationale for implementing this screening instrument in this outpatient psychiatric practice. Forty-nine new patients ages 18–54 years who were seeking treatment for depression at a psychiatric practice who had not been previously diagnosed with depression completed the PHQ-9 as well as the diagnostic interview with an HCP. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patient depression was also explored. All participants were assessed using PHQ-9 and the diagnostic interview method. Data were analyzed using Stata 15 for descriptive and inferential statistics to examine the relationship between the two methods. Findings indicate that patients who expressed suicidal ideation during the clinical interview indicated the same on the PHQ-9. Results also show that PHQ-9 scores were significantly related to the severity of depressive symptoms. Finally, patients who indicated that COVID-19 had impacted them were significantly more likely to be assessed with major depressive disorder via the PHQ-9 instrument.
- Keyword:
- depression, diagnosis, screening, PHQ-9, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, and Outpatient Psychiatric Practice
- Subject:
- Nursing
- Creator:
- Farooqi, Farkhanda
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 10/28/2022
- Date Modified:
- 02/21/2024
- Date Created:
- Dec-2021
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
- Description:
- Purpose: This evidence-based practice (EBP) project aimed to determine whether implementing a standardized, evidence-based surgical site infection (SSI) prevention bundle reduced SSIs in adult patients undergoing elective total hip or knee arthroplasty compared to the varied standard practices amongst surgeons. Total hip and knee arthroplasties are major surgeries where the arthritic or diseased bone is removed and replaced with prosthetic implants. Background: Although SSIs inflict a relatively small percentage of total procedures, the physical, emotional, and fiscal implications of each SSI are many. Additional exams, studies, and surgeries increase patients' length of stay and morbidity and mortality. In addition, with an aging population, there will be a greater demand for total joint arthroplasties, coupled with increased scrutiny on spending. This underscores why hospitals, surgery centers, and other facilities must remain steadfast in preventing SSIs. Method: The framework utilized was the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model (JHNEBP). This EBP project tracked all patients undergoing elective total hip or knee arthroplasties in a designated period over 90 days. Additionally, the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) tool was utilized to identify any potential SSIs that required escalation. The difference in pre-and post-bundle implementation SSI rates determined the effect of said bundles on SSI rates.
- Subject:
- Nursing
- Creator:
- Cordella, Christopher
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 10/28/2022
- Date Created:
- 2021
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
- Description:
- Background: The COVID-19 pandemic led to the suspension of in-person classes across the globe. As a result, the nursing schools in the United States altered their method of instruction from face-to-face to remote learning, including the in-person clinical rotations and NCLEX-RN preparation for the graduating nursing students. Objective: This qualitative research study explores the lived experience of the registered nurses who prepared for their NCLEX-RN and transitioned into professional nursing practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research and Methods: The researcher conducted semi-structured interviews with seven registered nurses privately through phone calls, Google Meet, or Zoom meetings through the snowball technique. In addition, the researcher used ATLAS.ti to analyze all interview transcripts. Results: Three major themes emerged from this study: concerns regarding social isolation, lack of hands-on experience, and difficult transition to hospital practice. the researcher gathered mixed responses regarding their preparation for the NCLEX-RN, with three of them arguing that remote learning had a negative impact, three discussing otherwise, and one having mixed feelings. Five out of seven participants explicitly stated their problems regarding social isolation due to lack of interaction. In addition, they all expressed their dissatisfaction with the lack of hands-on experience since the clinical rotations were suspended. Lastly, five out of seven participants explained having difficulty transitioning to hospital practice. Additional concerns were directed toward anxiety and lack of confidence, resulting from their perceptions and experiences. Conclusion: The consensus from this research study is that the participants' negative lived experience outweighed the positive ones, which inevitably led to feelings of doubt, frustration, loneliness, and uncertainty. Further research is necessary to understand the full-scale impact of the pandemic, especially in the field of nursing and nursing education.
- Subject:
- Nursing
- Creator:
- Christian Dumol
- Contributor:
- Dr. Michelle Romano, Thesis Advisor
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 06/14/2022
- Date Modified:
- 06/14/2022
- Date Created:
- Spring 2022
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Research Paper
- Description:
- Communication and teamwork are essential components of safe patient care. This evidence-based practice project evaluated the communication and teamwork the operating room staff engaged in during 30 surgical procedures (ophthalmology, plastics, or otorhinolaryngology). Findings provided insight into whether or not the communication and teamwork education that occurred in August, 2012 for registered nurses and surgical technologists was sustained and encultured. This descriptive project utilized a convenience sample consisting of approximately fifty staff members who work in the operating room of a teaching hospital, including surgeons, anesthesiologists, residents, certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs), registered nurses, and surgical technicians. To evaluate the quality of communication the Communication and Teamwork Skills (CATS) Assessment Tool was used. From 2012 to 2014, improvement in CATS scores was marked: for example, the score for the communication category went from 91.60% to 99.5% and that for the coordination category from 93.50% to 97.6%.Study findings suggest that education and quality monitoring with teaching moments improve team-based outcomes and, ultimately, increase patient safety. All operative team members should not only be competent in their individual roles but should also work together in a structure exhibiting the expertise of team members functioning synergistically as team members. A nursing competency with a post-test component on communication and teamwork will be developed.
- Keyword:
- communication, teamwork, Operating Room , implementation, CATS, Assessment Tool, quality monitoring, and surgery
- Subject:
- Nursing
- Creator:
- Kertesz, Louise
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 12/23/2021
- Date Modified:
- 11/15/2024
- Date Created:
- 2014
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
- Keyword:
- discharge, delivery of care, teach-back method, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Subject:
- Nursing
- Creator:
- Betts, Veronica
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 12/23/2021
- Date Modified:
- 10/26/2023
- Date Created:
- 2014
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
- Keyword:
- Clinical Algorithm , Standard Protocol, Self-Management, Heart Failure, Veterans Participating, Telehealth Program, clinical practice guidelines, algorithm, and Nurses knowledge
- Subject:
- Nursing, Economics, and Health care management
- Creator:
- Simmons, Coreen
- Owner:
- Publisher:
- Saint Peter's University
- Date Uploaded:
- 12/23/2021
- Date Modified:
- 10/29/2024
- Date Created:
- 2015
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Dissertation
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