Saint Peter’s College Student Newspaper. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, [November 9, 1934-Present]. Originally a weekly periodical (presently issued on a monthly basis) featuring miscellaneous news stories on a wide-range of institutional events, personalities, academic endeavors, etc. within each copy. The most comprehensive journal related to the development of student life at Saint Peter’s College throughout the years. (ARCH 378.749 SA 14 PAU)
A booklet written for the students, alumni, and friends of Saint Peter's College. The first three chapters provide background material on the Jesuits, on their early work in the United States, and on the history of Jersey City. Chapter IV deals with the actual founding of St. Peter's and the beginning of classes in 1878. Chapter V provides some biographical information about the Jesuits who were connected with the college in these early years.
I. Prolog: Saint Peter's College -- The First Forty Years; II. The Closing of Saint Peter's College in 1918; III. The Reopening of Saint Peter's College in 1930; IV. Eplilog -- Brief survey of college highlights since its reopening
Contents: The Jesuit College of New Jersey, p. 2; Remembering Father Vic, p. 12; The Million Dollar Faculty, p.16; The College on the Hill, p. 18; A Night to Remember, p. 22. On the Inside: Father Degnan's Master Plan, p. 11; The Shanahan Hilton, p. 21; A Jesuit Tradition of Excellence, p. 28