"Living in Violence Has Become a Norm" A Qualitative Exploration of the Experiences Faced by College Students Raised in Urban Communities
Instructor Perspectives on Soft Skills in Higher Education
The Effectiveness of Charter Schools on Students’ Academic Achievement Based on New Jersey Statewide Assessment Results
Persistence in a Pandemic: Maintaining a Growth Mindset in an Online Ed.D. Program
Financial Aid and the College Persistence of the African American Male Student
Examining the Life Experiences of First-Generation Students in Urban 4-Year Institutions Through a Strengths-Based Lens
The Effects of STEM Integration and Implementation on Students’ High Stakes Math and Science Scores in a High Poverty Urban Location in New Jersey
The Effect of a Principal’s Grit on Their School’s Culture: A Quantitative Study
The Effect of Corequisite Mathematics Remediation on Student Retention at a Community College
How Do School-Based Leaders’ Perceptions of Their Own Leadership Styles Impact Their Approach to Managing and Improving Student Discipline Outcomes?