
The Impact of Race and Socio-Economic Status on Grade 8 NJASK Scores for Language Arts

Public Deposited

Many scholars have suggested over the past several decades have pointed to a persisting achievement gap between white and black students. A lack of parental support and advocacy, peer influences, student health issues, poor nutrition, and low socioeconomic status are among the factors contributing to this gap (Chubb & Loveless, 2004). This study analyzed the standardized test results of students in all New Jersey schools belonging to socioeconomic District Factor Groups. The goal was to determine whether race and economic advantage impact academic achievement. Two subgroups, one comprising black students and one consisting of white students, were examined over a designated time period. Findings demonstrated that two factors—race and socioeconomic status—strongly contributed to student performance on standardized testing. It is more important than ever to advocate for the closing of this gap in educational achievement.

Last modified
  • 03/27/2024
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