
The Impact on Academic Achievement and Student Life in Relation to School Climate and School Culture, and the Implementation by Educational Leaders in Middle Schools Across Central New Jersey

Public Deposited
  • Even though school climate and school culture programs and initiatives have been researched for their effect on academic achievement and student growth, especially at the primary level, much more research needs to be done at the intermediary and secondary levels to ensure that school climate and school culture are reforming education. In addition, as school becomes more challenging, with stressors such as test scores and parental pressure, educational leaders must recognize the importance of school climate and school culture in bettering the academic achievement and student life of students in today’s classrooms (Casas, 2017; Cohen, 2006; Fiore, 2001; Stockman & Gray, 2018). This study provides empirical data related to school climate and school culture as catalysts for reform in a school system. The data were examined to see how school climate and culture impacted academic achievement and student life at the intermediary level of education. Additionally, this study focused on principals' leadership styles in middle schools to see if there is a correlation between their perceptions of school climate and school culture significance and how they lead the building. Finally, barriers to implementing school climate and school culture programs were reviewed to shed light on the difficulty of this process. Results from this research study found a correlation between the leadership styles of the principals and their perceptions associated with school climate and school culture significance to their buildings. With a leadership style built around teamwork and trust, all stakeholders become a part of the principal's vision, making it shared and collaborative. This study also showed a positive relationship between school climate and school culture and its impact on academic achievement and student life. Student-centered instruction improved social and emotional wellness, and better attendance were all stated outcomes of a school climate and school culture that is positive and supportive. These results are similar to the research of many scholars in examining the impact that school climate and school culture have on academic achievement and student life (Casas, 2017; Deal & Peterson, 1999, 2009; DeWitt, 2017; DeWitt & Slade, 2014; Erwin, 2016; Fiore, 2001, 2001; Gruenert & Whitaker, 2015, 2017; Van Houtte, 2005).
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