
How Climate and Culture of Schools Relate to Teacher Effectiveness

Public Deposited
  • In the area of educational research, studying the climate and culture of educational institutions has become commonplace. Researchers have demonstrated that high levels of academic achievement are directly correlated with the culture and climate of schools. Building upon this research, the researcher aims to investigate levels of teacher effectiveness and its relation to eight specific areas of climate and culture. The areas of school climate and culture under investigation were Physical Environment, Emotional Environment, Teaching and Learning, Relationships, Parental Support and Engagement, Safety, Administration Support and Morale in the School Community. Unlike previous research on climate and culture, the researcher aims to explore specific areas of climate and culture, which are linked with teachers’ effectiveness ratings. In order to achieve this, the researcher is using quantitative methods to identify correlations between teacher practice scores and specific areas of climate and culture including physical environment, teaching and learning, morale in the school community, relationships, parental support and engagement, safety, emotional environment, and administration and support. The research questions of the project were answered by analyzing data gathered from teachers completing the New Jersey Culture and Climate survey. The survey measures teachers’ perceptions of 8 domains relating to climate and culture. The data includes teacher perceptions of climate and culture, teacher practice scores, years of teaching experience, and ethnicity/race.
Last modified
  • 04/16/2024
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