Peacock Scholarship

An Integrative Review of the Literature The Impact of Nightshift Work on Quality of Life and Health and the Impact on Patient Care

Public Deposited

This integrative review demonstrates the impact of nightshift work on registered nurse (RN) health and quality of life (QOL) and patient care and outcomes. Bedside nursing entails twenty-four hour patient care and to meet this responsibility, night-shift nurses counter their bodies’ natural circadian rhythm and work overnight until the following morning. Physical impacts from working the night shift include an altered sleep schedule, higher risk for chronic illness and fatigue, poor nutrition and hydration. From a mental standpoint, nurses are more vulnerable to social isolation from the adaptation of a flipped sleep schedule. Other components include decreased job satisfaction and performance. Alongside sleep deprivation, a decrease in job satisfaction and job performance ultimately impact the nurse’s ability to care for patients. A decrease in mental function will impact nurses’ assessments, decisions, etc. Making decisions becomes difficult when you cannot process thoughts and assess situations clearly. It can be argued that while it is important to provide overnight care, the nurses need to look after themselves more than if they worked a day shift schedule, and doing so will benefit their own health. Understanding the relationship between these variables and RN health and QOL as well as patient care and outcomes can stimulate future interventions to lessen the intensity and strain that comes with working the night shift.

Last modified
  • 06/13/2023
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