Peacock Scholarship

LGBT+ College Students: What Can We Do Better?

Public Deposited

This paper considers the idea of LGBT+ individuals being recruited, retained, and led to their greatest potential through the process of higher education. Queer people are a continuously growing population in the United States and since the market of higher education is already competitive, LGBT+ prospective students can be one of the solutions for many tuition-dependent institutions. The first section analyzes the best practices for recruiting queer students to a college or university. The methods include enhancing online marketing materials including admission websites and participating in LGBT+ college fairs. The next part focuses on once students are enrolled, how institutions can retain queer students through supporting their safety and creating LGBT+ resource centers, GSAs, and brave and safe spaces. After students make the decision to stay at their original institution, the next step is encouraging students to work on their skills and develop themselves to their ultimate self which is the next part of the paper. The development is achieved by connecting students to available resources including professors, administrators, and other queer students. The thesis concludes with specific recommendations for Saint Peter’s University utilizing the Campus Pride Index ratings how LGBT+ inclusive college and university campuses are. It is hoped that the ideas included in this thesis are highly evaluated by the University administration and that they work towards achieving these goals. If this is not accomplished at the present moment, it is hoped that future students that read it will take the charge of being an advocate for queer students past, present, and future of Saint Peter’s University.

Last modified
  • 10/23/2019
Date created
Resource type
Rights statement


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