How Corporations Can Utilize the Tax Code to Better Their Community
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Download PDFOftentimes, when the topic of taxes is discussed, it is opined that the rich and businesses, "never paid taxes," which certainly does not help the community in any way. Indeed, this is not usually the case; and in fact, I will be presenting the case on how businesses can have both a benefit of lowering their own tax liability while at the same time helping their community by utilizing the 6 general business tax credits offered to them by the tax code. Utilizing these tax credits does not only help lower their tax liability but also raises their social responsibility to their community! The tax credits to be discussed are going to revive the community by employing targeted groups of individuals who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment along with helping them with retirement by building new establishments, or facilities, or both for the community to use, and the environment by reducing the carbon footprint of the community.
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- 06/09/2021
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NicolasSadek_UsingCorporateTaxCodetoBetterCommunities_2021.pdf | 2021-06-09 | Public | Download |