Peacock Scholarship

The Winning Goal: A Fight for Equal Pay in the Soccer Industry

Public Deposited

Gender and pay have been linked across all types of industries. This thesis will explore the gender pay gap in the sports industry with a specific concentration in the sport of soccer, which is known as football outside the United States. A comparison between the United States National Soccer Team for men and women will be used to argue the causes and effects of a gender pay gap. With the use of research and interviews, this thesis will explain how the gender pay gap affects female athletes. Men and women in the soccer industry play the same sport, yet face a discrepancy in their earnings. This discrepancy continues to exist even after many fights against gender inequality throughout the world. Many countries throughout the world have been able to reach a equal pay agreement for their national soccer teams. Meanwhile, other countries are on the road to implementing equal pay agreements. The countries that have been able to reach an equal pay agreement will be used to carefully analyze how such countries were able to reach an agreement. With the comparison between foreign countries and the United States based on gender equity pay in the sports industry, this thesis will conclude whether or not the gender pay gap can be narrowed, or even resolved. Based on the findings, this thesis will provide a possible solution to diminish the gap with the use of marketing techniques.

Last modified
  • 06/09/2021
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