Arabidopsis thaliana Root Growth and Guard Cell Aperture Responds to RACK1 Regulation of miRNA During Salt Stress Condition for Better Crop Production
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Download PDFAnalysis, of model plant Arabidopsis thaliana root growth and guard cell aperture in stressful environment conditions is a beneficial way to understand overall plant growth and development. We examined the effects of scaffold protein RACK1 on small RNAs miR393 and its regulation of A. thaliana primary roots, lateral roots, and guard cells as the plant was exposed to sodium chloride (NaCl). Our results on individual mutant analysis support the hypothesis that genetic loss of RACK1A causes regulation of miR393 as A. thaliana primary root length, lateral root number, and guard cell aperture all point to the plant being more sensitive to NaCl stress. We propose a theoretical method of creating double and triple mutants, using a more efficient way to produce mutants in plants using the CRISPR/Cas9 system and bioinformatics. With double mutants, we seek to further confirm that RACK1s regulation of miR393 affects plant growth and development by modulating root growth and guard cell aperture.
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- 06/14/2022
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TaylorRondon_RootGrowth_GuardCellApertureSalt_2022.pdf | 2022-06-14 | Public | Download |