Peacock Scholarship
The Impact of fundraising on Completion rates in NJ Community Colleges
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- Financial crunching has created a vacuum in the mission of community colleges, with specific focus paid to completion rates and degree attainment of students from low economic settings. This constraint on a profound national level has imposed a general concern to the American society, and many of our community colleges have aligned with global affordable technology, worldwide demand for accessible high quality education, and ever-increasing revenue that calls for a strategic path to fundraising. In this study, resource dependence theory, highlights fundraising as a capacity-building management tool that leads educational leadership team down to varied ways of success. This theoretical framework was used for this study to explore the correlational impact prevailing between the strategies of fundraising, such as capital appropriation, endowment, charity gifts, and grants as independent variables and completion rates as dependent variables. As predictive research, this study is open to predicting the future status of the dependent or outcome variable on the basis of four attributes of the independent variable characterized as fundraising. The dependent variable of college completion rate is a key component of discussions about accountability in higher education, with a specific relationship in the 19 community colleges in New Jersey within four academic years. This strategic alternative resource is the most descriptive means of using fundraising to meet state workforce, educational, and economic goals, as well as essentially enhancing the diverse array of community colleges to achieve the most successful return on student completion rate, which is the sole concern of college presidents in New Jersey who have limited staffing and budgets for fundraising.
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