The Effects of Creatine Monohydrate on Renal Function in Wistar Rats
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Download PDFCreatine is a supplement taken to aid athletes and fitness aficionados alike with their workout. Previous studies have been done to prove the effects creatine has on a workout as well as studies on rats to investigate the benefits of creatine on different aspects of health, mainly the nervous system; however, there is minimal data available about the risks. Wistar rats are excellent subjects for human related studies due to the mammalian traits shared between them. Protein over-consumption affects the kidneys and bone via calcium loss; this is a concern with creatine since it is a protein. The rats in the control group did not consume creatine while the rats in the experimental group consumed per day for four weeks. Their urine was collected tested for calcium andd protein weekly. .Increased concentrations were indicative of renal damage. At the end of the four weeks, the rats were euthanized and the kidneys of each were examined in order to best determine the extent of predicted damage to the kidneys. In order to ensure that creatine use was not being overestimated, a research survey was conducted on thirty six members of the Saint Peter's University Biology Department of varying ages yielding results that 22.2% of participants use/have used creatine and 62.5% of those participants used the supplement for 2 months or more.
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- 10/23/2019
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