Peacock Scholarship

Student Academic Achievement in a Comprehensive Northern New Jersey Urban High School: A Case Study of Students Involved in Extracurricular Activities and Students Not Involved

Public Deposited
  • This study examined the effects of participation and lack of participation in school-sponsored extracurricular activities on academic achievement of students enrolled in a comprehensive urban high school. Students from the graduating classes of 2013 and 2014 were studied, with 75 extracurricular participants and 75 nonparticipants from each year. The researcher collected data to focus on the following dependent variables: cumulative student grade point average, class rank, average absences, New Jersey High School Proficiency Assessment scores, SAT scores, gender, race, academic placement, and socioeconomic status. A one-way analysis of variance was used to test the data. The researcher predicted that there would be no difference for participants and nonparticipants with respect to their academic achievement. However, participation in at least one school-sponsored extracurricular activity returned a statistically significant result, proving that students that are engaged in at least one school-sponsored extracurricular activity will have a higher academic achievement level.
Last modified
  • 04/17/2024
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